Product Design

Sales Bubble

Case Study

Connected Home Sales Bubble

Research, content, design components, interaction, visual design, and prototyping
Building and updating core sales functionality causes Connected Home sales teams to engage in redundant work on changing and updating billing methods, capturing sales results, and new product launches. This is important because when multiple teams build channel-specific features to improve sales, other teams currently can’t take advantage of those features and have to rebuild in their own apps to leverage them.


Research and interviews

  • Sales events are being sent from a variety of places in a variety of formats, creating challenges for reporting teams and having consistent metric definitions
  • Data loss due to data stitching to get end-to-end views of sales interaction
  • There’s no easy way for other partner teams to consume common APIs and capabilities
  • Teams are stuck in a loop of maintenance core work

It is difficult and complex for new teams and partner apps to stand up enrollment capabilities. All teams have to stop and pivot whenever core updates need to be made, like billing changes, enterprise data changes and security asks.

How might we...

  • Meet the range of technical requirements and constraints for each team?
  • Help teams enable and manage features within their respective channels?
  • Eliminate redundant work?


We believe, by investing in a central “sales bubble” where all teams can build in, this will minimize redundant work and give product teams more bandwidth to build innovative solutions and focus on improvements that drive sales metrics.

2-Day Design Sprint


Align on a generic design flow and specifications that can be used for all expert-enabled sales in different Connected Home teams.

How might we fail

Lack of sales team context

  • Building a solution that is difficult to use or integrate
  • Not capturing some of the nuance of different sales team
  • A one-size-fits-all solution

No sales team will engage

  • A feature that only one team will use
  • Solution for one very specific use case
  • Carbon copy of what already exists

How might we succeed

Synergy between sales teams

  • Can be easily customized by each team
  • A native and integrated experience
  • Design model becomes a template for other product teams

Tailored sales experiences

  • Consolidating enrollments across applications that will benefit our end users
  • Providing the right sales information at the right moment
  • Leverage work that has already been done

Sales journey

What is common and unique?

To identify the features and tools being used in different contexts—phone, chat and in-person for each sales team, we listed out what they’re using to offer and complete a sale to the customer.


We’ve identified what are the features with high value and low effort for the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and aligned on which sales team to integrate with first.


We are planning to integrate it first with the Field app—experts who are in the field going to the customer’s home to provide technical services.

In designing, I need to consider using the existing key screens to reduce the amount of changes to start and having the same functionality but with more backend flexibility and being able to leverage the widgets from our team will support going forward.

Design Layout and Components

Post design sprint, I designed on what the “sales bubble” would look like from layouts to components, and bubble states.

Different layouts using one-to-two columns and show possibilities on what can be done with the idea.

Design patterns for different scenarios and contexts.

Designed widgets on most commonly used tools and features across sales teams.

Sales Bubble Prototype

Because of a push back from the Field app team for various reasons, we are pivoting the first integration to voice experts who are supporting customers through the phone.

The prototype will have a tooltip and emoticon at the right time to prompt them to make an offer to the customer that is eligible for a product.

Next Steps

To continuously improve the Sales Bubble, the opportunities we see are the following:

  • Work with the Instructional Design team to create a training course
  • Get feedback through usability testing from the voice experts
  • Make the Sales Bubble window resizable and movable across the integrated application
  • Have subtle animations on the tooltip and emoticon to get attention when needed

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